Sunday, January 16, 2011

Target you Evil Temptress

You think to yourself “It’s just a simple trip to Target to pick up a few things, what could possible go wrong?”, but Target is designed for things to go wrong. For instance, if you were going to get some good, wholesome bread for a healthy sandwich at Target you would run into the Devil’s Bakery. Pictured left is a preservative jungle that literally touches the bread section. Golden Twinkies that cry out “take me home and deep fry me”, and beautiful Oatmeal Cream Pies that are only pennies a serving. “Don’t look at me with those big chocolaty eyes, Suzie Q, I got a new lady now and she’s got seven whole grains.” Though you tortured me, Target, with individually wrapped bliss I did not give in, but I will be contacting the U.N. to protest your blatant violations of the Geneva Convention.

Friday, January 14, 2011


Weight: 281

When I come home from work I have to travel through the Highway 3 Fast Food Gauntlet of Doom (Doom added for dramatic affect) and yesterday I fell to its temptations. “It just a Jr. Roast or two and one with cheese, I'll simply eat before I get home and no one will know” I thought to myself. When I got home my wife asked me how I liked my Arby’s and I was dumb struck. How did she know? While I was ordering I had my phone in my hand and accidently dialed home, so she heard me ordering my food. She proved it by reciting back my order in a very dumb hillbilly type voice (it was suppose to sound like me, but I couldn’t tell) and then gave me the stink eye. There was nothing I could say; I simply hung my head in shame. Even my phone wants me to lose weight, how can you argue with that?

Sunday, January 9, 2011

I’ve started this blog to journal my weight loss as I participate in two weight loss challenges, one at church and one at work. My hope is that blogging about my weight related trials and tribs will keep me focused on my goal. I don’t expect that anyone is going to care about reading my ranting of how beautiful the picture of the Big Mac looks in the window at McDonalds or listen to me justify hot wings as “health food”, but it will be a great way to express myself and give my weight loss buddies an entertaining way to keep tabs on me. Let’s get started.

Name: Th3 $chw@rtz
Height: 6’
Weight: 284 (but not for long)
Baker’s Dozen Goal: 20 lbs in 13 weeks
Work Challenge Goal: As much as I can until May
Strengths: Great support network
Weaknesses: Pop, eating late, food anxiety.