Wednesday, May 23, 2012

I'm still kicking

It has been awhile since my last post but I can explain. First of all, I had a crazy last two weeks of school; second, I tripped over the children’s Nintendo chair and smashed my bad knee. With their powers combined, these two super problems transformed into You-Can’t-Go-Running-Tron. It was a mighty foe but I vanquished it with a strong right B+ in my class and a one-two combo of Ibuprofen and ice. However, this victory came with a great cost.  You see, when Jen and I started running again it wasn’t the most wonderful experience of our lives; no that would be a lie… a very, very big lie, because the truth is it was awful. As I tried to push through the “WHY ARE WE DOING THIS” on our second time back running, Jen got heat exhaustion and we cut out early. So we decided to switch it up and started a new app, which is a couch to 5k. This work out is only 30 mins compared to the 50 to 60 on the couch to 10k. It also more intense-60 seconds of running and 90 seconds of walking and that’s just day one. I felt like I got way more out of the running this way and going out for 30 mins is easier than carving out 60. The app also maps your route, tracks average speed, amount of carioles burned, and what your time would be if you were to run a 5k based on your current stats. Changing our routine is keeping us out there, and that’s what really matters, so I don’t want to hear any “oh can’t you hack it” comments because hey, that’s my wife you’re talking about. J

P.S. Avengers was AWESOME! Next up The Amazing Spider-Man.