Monday, May 15, 2017

Not So Fatso Strikes Again

It's been a while, but that is something I have said a lot during this blog. It’s just like diets or health fads that come and go. We find ourselves saying “I really need to get back to that food plan or gym regime” but they never seem to stick. Last year my plan was to do a Whole30 challenge to explore the grip that food had on me and hopefully lose some weight in the process. I did those things but I allowed my injury to take my focus off the end game and slowly I abandoned all the things I had learned for the sake of ease and comfort. I’m not yet fully recovered from my torn calf muscle and I am now heavier than I was when I started my Whole30 last year, and that makes me sick. I want to feel healthy, be active, and no longer serve food as my master. The return of the return of the Not So Fat So begins...or maybe Not So Fat So Strikes Again is better (I should have just read the title). But it's not just food this time because I want freedom from so much more. I’m not just physically overweight but I’m materially overweight as well. I have so much stuff that I never use or don’t even need and I want to lose that weight as well. So Not SoFatSo is becoming a minimalist...ok maybe that's overstating but I will be trying to incorporate minimalist ideas into my life. Sunday I started my second Whole30...well modified Whole30. I’m not going to run away from peanuts like Kevin McAllister the first time he runs into the South Bend Shovel Slayer outside his house, nor am I going to freak out like Mrs Olsen after she found out Neilly eloped with a poor dumb pig farmer (“Nels, make her a window”) if my package bacon has less than 1% sugar. I will also begin to pare down the clothes that I own and discover what things add value to my life and which ones do not.

So come along for the ride again, it will be fun. It will be like A.J Frost returning home to Arwen, after impregnating an asteroid with a nuclear bomb kind of fun. There will be tears of joy, tears of pain, Bad Santa will be there with a cool mission patch, that guy that kinda looks like Kevin Bacon but isn’t and lots of Aerosmith. “I don’t wanna close my eyes. I don’t want to fall asleep because I’d miss you babe and I don’t wanna miss I thing………………………”. Welcome back.